Spatial behavior research

Solutions for

Spatial behavior research

Spatial behavior research can provide insights in a range of research areas, including consumer behavior, psychology, education, wayfinding, sports, and more. TrackLab offers highly accurate tracking data and different options for automated data collection. Read more!

Solutions for Spatial behavior research

Monitor spatial behavior

TrackLab™ is the complete tracking solution for your research on spatial behavior. Rely on highly accurate multi-sensor data and gain real-time insights in your participants’ behavior. 

TrackLab works with Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology to accommodate indoor and close-range outdoor tracking. Ideal for studies in shopping environments, classrooms, playgrounds, sports fields, and more. Easily access, analyze, and visualize your data, from the comfort of your office.


Psychology, healthcare, and education

Studying spatial behavior is valuable in research areas such as psychology, healthcare, and education. For example, it can support your studies on parent-child interaction, anxiety disorders, or spatial memory processes. 

When working in healthcare environments, monitoring spatial behavior can provide insights to optimize hospital ward lay-outs, increase efficiency, or support training of medical staff. You can also study social interactions and group dynamics in the classroom or improve teaching environments.

children teacher standing in classroom hand raised

supermarket consumer behavior woman female child boy milk dairy fixed

Insights in consumer behavior

Researchers studying consumer behavior are interested in the emotions, motives, and preferences that influence buying behavior. One of the ways to learn more about consumer behavior is by monitoring customers’ movement and location. 

For example, researchers may analyze path shape or time spent at areas of interest to study the effects of different lay-outs, advertisements, or environmental cues.


Versatile tracking solution

Spatial behavior research can also benefit researchers in other areas. For example, you can examine activity parameters - such as movement, velocity, and distance - to learn about wayfinding and space utilization in buildings. Or you can study spatial behavior to improve strategies in sports, occupational safety, or simulation training. 

TrackLab is a versatile solution for both indoor and close-range outdoor tracking, and also offers a portable lab set-up.


Want to learn more?

Visit TrackLab’s resources page to find more information on spatial behavior research in consumer behavior, psychology, and healthcare research.


Relevant blogs

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