Zebrafish Research blog posts

Discover the importance of zebrafish as a model organism in behavior research. Learn how studies on zebrafish can reveal valuable insights into genetic disorders, learning and memory, developmental biology and even social behavior.

How zebrafish are changing neuroscience
01 May animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

How zebrafish are changing neuroscience

Zebrafish. This little fish is a vertebrate, and a relatively complex one. Looking at the major neurotransmitters and hormones that are investigated in neuroscience, they are as good of a model as many mammalian species.
How to mark zebrafish without compromising their behavior
20 Mar animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

How to mark zebrafish without compromising their behavior

How to mark zebrafish without compromising their behavior? They may have just found the answer to this at the University of Toronto. Cheung et al. tried out a method using subcutaneous injection with dyes.
Testing PCBs toxicity - behavior in zebrafish and their offspring
08 Oct animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Testing PCBs toxicity - behavior in zebrafish and their offspring

PCBs are synthetic molecules that were used in transformers, electric motors, and more applications. It was quickly discovered that these molecules are toxic, and subsequently, they were banned.
How zebrafish and optogenetics are great for investigating stress
23 Sep animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

How zebrafish and optogenetics are great for investigating stress

By this point, we do not need to tell you how popular zebrafish are. We also probably do not need to point out the great technological advances that are being made in research because of the use of optogenetics.
The effects of quantum dots on zebrafish larvae locomotor behavior
16 Sep animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

The effects of quantum dots on zebrafish larvae locomotor behavior

Ever heard of quantum dots? These dots are nanoparticles made of a semiconductor material, which have unique optical properties, making them of great interest for fields such as biological imaging, medical diagnostics.
Zebrafish research: behavioral differences between wild-type strains
20 Aug animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Zebrafish research: behavioral differences between wild-type strains

Often in animal research, animals with a certain genetic alteration are compared to a “wild-type”. One might assume that there is no differences between wild-types, but many different strains of wild-type animals are used.
Tracking zebrafish activity to study a key element in circadian rhythmicity
22 Apr animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Tracking zebrafish activity to study a key element in circadian rhythmicity

Zebrafish are a popular model of choice for many researchers, including chronobiologists. That’s because zebrafish rapidly develop their ‘inner clock’ (circadian system) – and because this system is highly light-entrainable.
Zebrafish tracking to uncover subtle effects of embryonic alcohol exposure
12 Feb animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Zebrafish tracking to uncover subtle effects of embryonic alcohol exposure

Zebrafish are not the first species one might think of as being exposed to alcohol in their natural environment.
Tracking zebrafish in 3D
22 Nov animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Tracking zebrafish in 3D

Recognizing the lack of hands-on education, Dr. Kalueff has started organizing zebrafish behavioral neuroscience and phenotyping workshops. The workshops ran just before and after the SfN annual meeting, October 2012.
5 must-read articles on zebrafish behavioral research
16 Oct animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

5 must-read articles on zebrafish behavioral research

I have been reading a lot about zebrafish research lately and I thought it would be nice to share some of my favorite articles with you.

Showing 31 to 40 of 49 results