
Using facial expression analysis during a musical experiment

Music affects people, that's for sure. But to what extent varies per person. To measure facial expressions during a musical experiment, FaceReader Online is the easy-to-use tool.

The role of explicit bias in working with depressed cardiac patients

Using simulated medical encounters, Dr. Crapanzano and her team measured the influence of bias in the medical students' diagnosis and treatment plans for a patient presenting as mildly depressed.

World Cup success and emotions

Recent scientific research shows that emotional expressions like anger and happiness matter in being successful in the group phase of the soccer World Cup.

The use of humor during doctor-patient interactions

How often do medical professionals use humor during the interaction with patients? After all, such positive interactions help build a relationship, establish trust, and support the exchange of relevant information.

How to study consumer behavior in a kitchen

Masson and colleagues from Université Paris-Saclay, France, designed a test kitchen to investigate food storage processes. According to them, the use of video cameras was of great value for analyzing behaviors.

Top 5 blog posts about autism

World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognized day on April 2nd. A good reason to sum up the top 5 best read blog posts about autism of the last year for you.

Measuring consumer responses to chocolate and images

Researchers all over the world are trying to find ways to measure real consumer responses and behavior.

Package testing - Emotional journey in packaging research

A product package should help consumers make a quick decision. Donata Tania Vergura and Beatrice Luceri from the University of Parma, Italy investigated different packaging designs.

Facial expression analysis in video content marketing

This study shows that emotions in company messages or advertisements could be used to build and measure brand value. This measure can thus be added to social media metrics guidelines to assess success rate.

Operating room layout: impact on work patters and flow disruptions

With use of prerecorded videos of surgeries, researchers examined the impact of the layout of an OR on work patterns and flow disruptions of a circulating nurse.

The bat - moth aerial battle in 3D

Moths arrived first on the evolutionary stage; when much later on bats appeared with their sophisticated apparatus for echolocating prey, moths were forced to change or die.

Assessing motor deficits in mice following traumatic brain injury

Today Marcelle Cline and Donna Cross are so kind to share their insights on testing TBI mice with the CatWalk XT system.

How to measure complex exploratory behavior in larval zebrafish

Behavioral tests as the open field may overlook complex patterns of behavior. Today our guest bloggers explain about a new set-up for zebrafish larvae.

EthoVision XT and the open field test

Imagine you are dropped in the center of a wide open field. Would you explore the entire area? Or hunker down around the edges, fearing predators and other unknowns?

4 Facts about zebrafish and zebrafish larvae

Did you know that zebrafish larvae are able to detect minute movement in the water and that zebrafish are better than fruit flies? Read all 4 facts!

4 Cool cow facts

The investigation of movement, activity, and behavior of animals in stables gives great insight. Read this blog to learn more about that, but also about cow behavior in paddocks.

How sleep heals the brain

We sleep a large portion of our lives. And now researchers have proven that it can heal the brain.

Serotonin and social skills: how adult mice differ from juveniles

Serotonin is a busy neurotransmitter, influencing processes as memory, mood, emotion, appetite, and sexuality. A prime role for this neurotransmitter is social behavior, across a variety of species; humans, rodents, primates.

How to analyze bird calls with UltraVox XT: a summer love on a spectrogram

You may know that the recently-released UltraVox XT 3 is used to study ultrasound vocalizations, especially in rodents and bats. But the fact that it analyzes full-spectrum sound, makes it ideal for analyzing bird calls.

Zebrafish provide key insights into alcohol addiction

Why is it that when people drink, only small subsets of individuals develop an alcohol addiction? Steven Tran from the Gerlai Lab tells us why zebrafish are very helpful in the search for the answer to this question.