

Blog posts

white mouse on a white gloved hand

Cerebellar plasticity

Jan-Willem Potters studied the role of the cerebellum in different aspects of behavior, ranging from simple reflex-like movements to complex systems such as emotion and cognition, and wrote about it in this blog post

spotted rat on a black background

Cells roles in motor performance

Maria Fernanda Vinueza Veloz and her colleagues also investigated specific neurons and their different roles in motor performance. In their study Purkinje cells, interneurons, and granule cells where the focus. Read more in this blog post.

white mouse looking through a hole

Cerebellar plaques and ataxia

Diego Sepulveda-Falla and his colleagues worked together with 25 families from Colombia with a high prevalence of familial Alzheimer’s (FAD) that was caused by a mutation in the presenile1 (PS1) gene. Read more.



Here is a selection of recent papers that mention the use of ErasmusLadder. If you feel your paper should be on this list, please let us know at [email protected]


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Recent blog posts

10 behavioral studies on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

10 behavioral studies on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

This blog post features 10 interesting studies that use innovative techniques to study models of AD and PD and important underlying neuronal mechanisms.
Alzheimer's: prevent instead of cure?

Alzheimer's: prevent instead of cure?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a huge public health issue as it affects a large part of the aging population. Neuropathology is studied primarily in the end stages of the disease. What about prevention?
How to really challenge mice cerebellar plasticity

How to really challenge mice cerebellar plasticity

Jan-Willem Potters used the ErasmusLadder in his thesis research to study the role of specific mutations of plasticity in the cerebellar microcircuit of mice.