
British Neuroscience Association Festival of Neuroscience

brown mouse on a blue gloved hand

Hopefully you have already registered for the Festival of Neuroscience, because we at Noldus would like to meet you there. Held from the 23th till the 26th of April in Brighton, UK. This conference will include a wide-ranging programme with over 200 speakers, 9 plenary sessions, and many more posters, workshops, and symposia. 

Come and learn how to develop your career and bring your research to the next level. The festival also includes topics on making neuroscience sustainable and how to maintain your own mental health by learning the science behind it.

We will be present at the festival and hope to help you with the scientific solutions you need for your research. 


EthoVision XT

The most versatile system for accurate tracking of animals. EthoVision XT is able to track not only movement, but also specific behavioral events in rats and mice, such as rearing, grooming and freezing. 

EthoVision XT is also able to distinguish between certain body parts during data acquisition, giving you valuable information about the body orientation. Ethovision XT is versatile, and as such, adaptable for your research. EthoVision XT is well known and is used at almost 4000 sites worldwide and has been sited over 20.000 times. 


 Catwalk courtesy rat

CatWalk XT 

CatWalk XT is a highly sensitive tool to assess gait and locomotion. The rat or mouse traverses a glass plate voluntarily (towards a goal box), and its footprints are captured. CatWalk XT visualizes the prints and calculates statistics related to print dimensions and the time and distance relationships between footfalls.



PhenoTyper is a home-cage environment for your rat & mouse research, powered by EthoVision. A top camera in the roof of the PhenoTyper allows you to continuously observe the test subject without interfering, making the environment less stressful. 

The PhenoTyper is highly customizable with various add-ons, wall designs, and sizes. This coupled with the functionality of EthoVision makes the PhenoTyper ideal for long and short term observational studies. 

phenotyper four setup wall


23rd April to 26th April 2023
Brighto,n United Kingdom