
Lessons From The Core: Longitudinal Assessment vs. Point Sampling of Behaviors in Mice

In today's webinar, organized by Inside Scientific, experts at The Myers Neuro-Behavioral Core Facility at Tel-Aviv University addressed specific advantages and limitations of today's home cage monitoring (HCM) technology used in behavioral research.

Date | Tuesday, November 17, 2020

phenotyper four setup wall


The home cage monitoring system Lior Bikovski is referring to in his presentation is PhenoTyper. This is an instrumented observation cage to measure and test the behavior of laboratory rodents. Every cage is equipped with a top unit (LED units and a camera) and optionally with other sensor and stimuli devices. Learn more about PhenoTyper, or request a free demo! Curious to see who else published with PhenoTyper?


brown mouse with the cognitionwall


The CognitionWall™ is an add-on developed by Sylics for operant cognitive tests in the PhenoTyper home cage. The CognitionWall can be used for a one-night (automated) test to efficiently identify discrimination learning impairments in mice. It is also ideal for assessment of cognitive flexibility. CognitionWall tests are video-tracked, programmed, and controlled with EthoVision XT video tracking software.


EthoVision XT

PhenoTyper is powered by video tracking software EthoVision XT. You can request a free trial version to test out if this is something you would like for your research. Learn more about EthoVision XT, or take a look at the long list of publications!

overview ethovision fixed

CatWalk XT footprints and rat catwalk in the back

CatWalk XT

Are you interested in gait research? CatWalk XT is the most commonly used gait analysis device worldwide. We receive a lot of positive feedback from our users and encounter many people who want to switch from other gait analysis systems to CatWalk XT. We would be happy to introduce CatWalk XT in more detail to you and walk you through all advantages of the system.


More about the presenters

  • Lior Bikovski, MA, Core Facility Director - The Myers Neuro-Behavioral Core Facility, Tel-Aviv University
    Lior is an expert in neuro-behavioral studies.
  • Shivang Sunil Parikh, PhD Student - Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Tel-Aviv University
    Shivang is currently a PhD student, in Dr. Carmit Levy's lab, where his research focuses on the effects of UV light and cancer.