
Implementing Tailored Activity Programs

Tailored Activity Programs (TAP) have been shown to have significantly reduce behavioral occurrences in dementia patients and improve engagement and positive behaviors.

Mixing sows: aggression and stress of group housing on first-time sow mother

In this experiment, Ison and colleagues looked at the social interaction when a mixed group of primiparous and older, unfamiliar sows were placed in group housing together.

What a horse likes to eat: how to test dietary preferences

Redgate and colleagues looked into the addition of a monadic phase (a phase in which only one food was offered at a time instead of all of the options) to choice testing.

The accuracy of measuring fish aggression by using mirror tests

To examine the response of cichlids to their mirror image, Balzarini et al. used three sympatric species from Lake Tanganyika and did the mirror test for measuring aggression.

The relationship between food scarcity and caching in fox squirrels

We’ve all seen squirrels carrying acorns around in their mouths and burying them in the ground. This is a way to hoard food, and most squirrels use a strategy called scatter-hoarding.

The impact of visitor access in a shelter on the welfare of shelter dogs

If you’ve ever been to a shelter to adopt a dog, you know that when you walk into the holding area, the dogs can get very noisy.

Interspecific aggression: spotted dolphins vs. bottlenose dolphins

In the animal kingdom, competition is a part of life. Dominance hierarchies are common both within a group in a species (intergroup) or between two different species (interspecific).

The welfare of therapy dogs

Dogs have been used with adult substance abuse patients in animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) and animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Why use dogs in therapy? The impact of animal-assisted therapy on the dogs.