Learning and memory

Learning and memory studies lie at the basis of many questions within the behavioral neuroscience domain. Ranging from basic phenotype characterization to investigating complex neurological disease models. Read more on learning and memory studies on the Behavioral Research Blog.


What is a placebo? And how does it work?

The placebo effect reveals how belief alone can influence pain and symptoms. Recent research uncovers brain mechanisms, like the panacea effect, involved in this effect in mice

Unlocking the link between CNS infections and cognitive decline

Bacterial infections in the brain can have lasting effects even after recovery. In this blog we will look a study that used PhenoTyper and the CognitionWall to study the mechanisms behind this cognitive impairment.

Air pollution and brain development, mouse behavior gives insight

Air pollution can have major detrimental effects on health. But, what happens to brain development if a mouse is only exposed in early life. Researchers from the University of Washington studied just that.

Using video tracking to study operant behavior in rodents

What is operant behavior? And how can we use software such as EthoVision XT to increase our understanding in the learning and memory processes involved in these studies?

Guest blog: Having a look at operant behavior

Scientists from Idorsia Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland provide an expert view on operant behavior, and how we can improve our understanding of this complex behavior with the help of video tracking.

WHY use a Y-maze? Automating learning and memory tests in rodents

Y-maze testing is exactly what you would think: a maze with three arms that maze rodents have to navigate on their way to food, shelter, or another reward. It is often used to test spatial learning, but why?

Advancing the novel object test: 3D printing and deep learning

To improve standardisation and consistency in the novel object test, Spry et al designed the 'CapTouch' system: capacative objects that can automatically register interaction. But what about deep learning in EthoVision XT?

5 proven ways to measure spatial learning in rodents

What is spatial learning, why is it important and how do we measure it? Here we dive into 5 different behavioral tests that specifically measure spatial learning and memory in rodents.

Studying spatial learning and memory with Cincinnati Water Maze

Studying spatial learning and memory is important to develop treatment for Alzheimer's and other diseases influencing on orientation and navigation. One way to study it is with Cincinnati Water Maze.

Decoding memories during day and night

Unraveling the role of protein synthesis in memory storage across the day and night in a mouse model - how researchers are gaining insights into sleep deprivation and its consequences.