
Examples of Human Behavior Research

We humans are an intriguing species and it's no wonder researchers have always been fascinated by human behavior. Here are some examples of human behavior research over the years.

5 Tips for writing better Horizon Europe grant proposals

Noldus has been a partner in many research projects, which means that we have a lot of experience writing grants. Read our tips for writing better grant proposals, based on our own practical experience.

5 steps to set up the perfect behavioral suite

Noldus is your partner in research, and with versatile tools such as our state-of-the-art video tracking software EthoVision XT, we can help you achieve that next crucial goal in your animal experiment(s).

Summer reads: Gender differences in rodent research

Most of us are enjoying our summer break, or are about to, soon. We have rounded up some summer reads about love, heartbreak, alcohol, and drugs… for those of us that might have a hard time taking a break from science.

Behavioral neuroscience in the circular economy: the contribution of Zebrafish

What do Zebrafish and sewage sludge have in common? In this blog their use as a screening tool is highlighted to asses the ecotoxicity in soil.

Why attend FENS 2022, Forum of European Neuroscience

Where European neuroscience meets the world, and Noldus! FENS Forum has been one of our favorite neuroscience conferences in Europe and we've been exhibiting for years.

5 Dates you should add to your 2022 Neuroscience calendar

Looking for the best neuroscience conferences to add to your 2022 calendar? We’ve put together a short list of the best (behavioral) neuroscience conferences to attend this year.

3 ways to use rodent gait analysis in CatWalk XT

CatWalk XT has been used for gait analysis in multiple studies and has helped experimental procedures for a number of neurological disorders and in lesion models. These 3 blogs tell you more about that!

Examples of Animal Behavior Research

Researchers in ethology are interested in understanding all aspects of animal behavior. We have highlighted some great examples of Animal Behavior Research on our Behavioral Research Blog.

5 blogs on why you should use video tracking in behavioral research

In this blogpost you can find an overview of our top 5 favorite blogs on why you should use video tracking in your behavioral research.