
The influence of teachers' motivation behaviors on students' engagement

The presence or absence of engagement determines the difference between success and failure. Does motivating teaching behavior keep students' focused and engaged?

Diver behavior captured with wearable cameras

Observing the actual wreck diver behavior using video recordings made with wearables cameras, researchers aimed to enhance effective management strategies for underwater cultural heritages.

Observing and coding the behavior of siblings

Would it help if your brother or sister is sitting by your side when you're in pain? Would that ease the pain, or provide some distraction?

How does handedness relate to infant language development?

Developing motor skills appears to be related to language abilities. The research team of Sandy Gonzalez investigated whether consistency in handedness predicts receptive and expressive language.

Observing and analyzing repetitive movements in infants to detect autism

To examine if a specific repertoire of repetitive movements was present in children with autism, researchers used home videos to code the behaviors of the infants.

Behavioral coding: What and how

When you study human behavior, coding your data is the initial step to analyze data. Coding behavior enables you to evaluate your research questions and draw reliable conclusions.

The relationship between social hierarchy and social stress

Today, Deepika Patel kindly shares her research on social structures with us. She investigated rat behavior in detail, using several test paradigms.

Organized chaos or well-oiled machine? Optimizing safety & efficiency in an OR

Dr. Joseph and her team searched for solutions to minimize flow disruptions in Operating Rooms and make them as safe and efficient as possible.

Improve the interaction between parent and child with autism

Children with ASD are three times as likely to exhibit disruptive behavior as their typically developing peers. Can PCIT help coping with behaviors such as defiance, stubbornness, and temper tantrums?

A coding scheme to capture interactive behaviors during triadic consultations

The research team of Yuan developed and refined a coding scheme which can serve as a tool to identify specific triadic communicative strategies that are effective in improving children’s engagement and reducing distress.