
4 recent blog posts about understanding autism spectrum disorder

Our understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has developed a great deal over recent years, but there is still much work to be done.

Parenting behaviors and executive function in Down syndrome

Understanding more about developmental delays in Down syndrome is vital in developing targeted interventions. In this study, the relationship between parenting behaviors and executive function was examined.

Early exploratory behavior in infants with Down syndrome

Object exploration is part of infants’ early development. How do infants with Down syndrome explore the world around them? And how is exploratory behavior related to their general development?

Working memory and emotion regulation in children with ADHD

How can we understand emotional reactivity in children with ADHD? In the current study, Tarle and her colleagues examined the relation between emotion regulation and working memory in children with and without this disorder.

Studying posture development in infants at risk for autism

Research shows that early posture development is delayed in infants who are eventually diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Understanding these delays helps to improve early diagnosis and intervention.

How do children interact with their older autistic siblings?

In celebration of World Autism Awareness Day, this blog post focuses on the social interactions between children and their older autistic siblings.

A closer look at eye contact

Infant siblings of children with or without ASD participated in a study to determine whether gaze behavior showed during a test with an unfamiliar examiner could predict gaze behavior in a more naturalistic context.

The effectiveness of physical therapy sessions for children with cerebral palsy

Researcher Sébastien Vanderlinden is committed to describe which and how long physical therapy skills are performed during NDT sessions.

Analyzing the mealtime behaviors of children with autism

Disrupted mealtimes and feeding challenges may risk the development of family stability, as well as the social skills and well-being of a child. Which strategy should families use to support meal time engagement?

Knockout of Down syndrome gene in zebrafish leads to autistic-like behaviors

Knockout of Down syndrome gene in zebrafish leads to autistic-like behaviors: Though earlier knockout models in mice failed, researchers have developed a successful zebrafish model.