Other (Animal) blog posts

Observing animal behavior is done in a wide variety of research areas, from fundamental neurosciences to wildlife behavior studies or farm animal welfare studies. Explore a range of diverse topics in animal behavior research. From social interactions to genetic influences, gain a comprehensive understanding of animal behavior in various contexts and in various species.

Livestock Research: Tracking sheep to learn their behavior
16 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Livestock Research: Tracking sheep to learn their behavior

We recently installed TrackLab at Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK, for the tracking and detailed analysis of the spatial behavior of sheep.
Non-invasive home cage testing of epilepsy in mice
13 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Non-invasive home cage testing of epilepsy in mice

Epilepsy is more than seizures; behavioral changes that occur in between seizures are rarely assessed. A new home cage study from the Baylor College of Medicine aims to change this.
How does heat stress affect the health and welfare of dairy cows?
24 Feb animal behavior research Other (Animal)

How does heat stress affect the health and welfare of dairy cows?

When environmental temperatures rise, livestock animals, such as dairy cows, are vulnerable to heat stress. Researchers Polsky and von Keyserlingk reviewed how heat stress affects animal productivity, health, and welfare.
Decreased learning abilities in diabetic rats: Silymarin to the rescue
14 Nov animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Decreased learning abilities in diabetic rats: Silymarin to the rescue

Silymarin is a substance that works as an antioxidant, is anti-inflammatory and increases BDNF levels. After supplementing silymarin to diabetic rats, typical diabetes symptoms were greatly improved.
User Meeting: exploring external data integration
13 Aug animal behavior research Other (Animal)

User Meeting: exploring external data integration

A few months ago, we organized our very first User Meeting about EthoVision XT and external data integration! The meeting included interesting talks, discussions, and demonstrations with a diverse group of participants.
01 Aug animal behavior research Other (Animal)


The importance of good nutrition for human babies is well known. But what about young animals?
Stereotypical effects on cognitive bias
21 Jun animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Stereotypical effects on cognitive bias

Stressed-induced stereotypical behavior in lab mice have different effects on cognition. The radial arm maze is often used to investigate this.
The effect of microplastics and pharmaceuticals on trophic interactions
16 May animal behavior research Other (Animal)

The effect of microplastics and pharmaceuticals on trophic interactions

Microplastics (found in common products such as toothpaste) and pharmaceuticals have an impact on the environment. Their combined effect, however, is still largely unknown.
ChickenStress project
23 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

ChickenStress project

The abolition of battery farming has improved chicken welfare, but there are still problems like feather pecking. In the ChickenStress project, we will try to understand better how to reduce stress and improve welfare.
Top 10 Animal behavior research blogs
14 Jan animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Top 10 Animal behavior research blogs

Let’s start 2019 with looking at the most popular blog posts on animal behavior research from last year. Our top 10 animal behavior blog posts from 2018.

Showing 41 to 50 of 123 results