Blog posts tagged with doctor-patient interaction

02 Aug
human behavior research
Implementing Tailored Activity Programs
Tailored Activity Programs (TAP) have been shown to have significantly reduce behavioral occurrences in dementia patients and improve engagement and positive behaviors.

20 Apr
human behavior research
Does the sex of a simulated patient affect CPR?
When faced with either a male or female patient simulator, both men and women rescuers appeared reluctant to remove a female patient simulator’s clothing.

21 Jan
human behavior research
Why non-verbal behavior matters
Basil Preisig and his colleagues at the University of Bern, Switzerland, were especially interested in communicative development of people diagnosed with language disorders like aphasia.

12 Dec
human behavior research
The impact of health information technology on doctor-patient interaction
Embracing the technological advances of the last decade, many health care professionals have incorporated information technology into their daily routines.

25 Mar
human behavior research
Healthcare communication - dealing with emotions
Communication studies have shown that breaking bad news is best be done immediately and with clear wording. What is the best step forward?

05 Feb
human behavior research
Nurse-child interaction - observing medical encounters
In order to help health professionals and parents manage child distress more effectively, researchers started observations of real interactions in healthcare in a community setting.

22 Jan
human behavior research
Doctor-patient communication training program evaluated
Every day, new training programs find their way to hospitals and clinics to help professionals convey their message efficiently and effectively in order to practice their profession.

03 Jun
human behavior research
How to analyze nurse-patient consultations
Efficient and effective communication is necessary in doctor-patient as well as nurse-patient consultations.

15 Jan
human behavior research
Observations of surgeons as a tool to assess competency
Medical doctors receive extensive education and training before and during their time spent working at a hospital or clinic.

02 Jul
human behavior research
Nurse patient interaction - two coding schemes
The world's population is ageing. International dementia and Alzheimer organizations state that there are an estimated 36 million people worldwide with dementia.