Are fish empathic?
Ever wondered if fish can be empathetic towards each other? Find out in this blog how oxytocin plays a role in fish behavior!
Zebrafish behaviors shows true effect of chemicals on aquatic animals
Modern industrial processes, agricultural practices and domestic waste result in all sorts of chemicals getting into our waters. CPC is widely used. How does it affect the fish?
Does well plate size matter? A methodological study in zebrafish
The DanioVision observation chamber is a versatile research tool to study Zebrafish embryos and larvae by using well plates. Does the size of the wells in these plates affect study outcomes?
Tracking tiny transparent fish with EthoVision XT
Danionella cerebrum, a recently discovered cyprinid fish, has the smallest known vertebrate brain. What are the behavioral differences or similarities to their zebrafish relatives?
The social interaction test: effortless and dependable with EthoVision XT
What is the social interaction test? This blog dives into this topic for fish and rodents. Why is social interaction important to measure, and how do we go about doing it?
Behavioral neuroscience in the circular economy: the contribution of Zebrafish
What do Zebrafish and sewage sludge have in common? In this blog their use as a screening tool is highlighted to asses the ecotoxicity in soil.
What is DanioVision? A brief insight in zebrafish tracking
In this blog we provide a quick refresh on the topic of zebrafish, and how DanioVision contributes to this field.
How to unravel the long-term memory of cuttlefish: automated video tracking
Did you know that cuttlefish have three hearts, have such an advanced vision that they can see what’s behind them, and can count to five?
Time is of the essence in fish studies
You recently moved into your new house. How do you feel? How do you act in this new space? The answers may depend on how long you have lived there…
The accuracy of measuring fish aggression by using mirror tests
To examine the response of cichlids to their mirror image, Balzarini et al. used three sympatric species from Lake Tanganyika and did the mirror test for measuring aggression.