Consumer behavior research

The popularity of observational research and behavioral mapping is on the rise in consumer behavior studies. With a focus on understanding consumer actions and uncovering underlying motives, this research approach provides valuable insights into predicting consumer preferences and buying behavior.


Making sense of the senses: The real cost of paying attention

We live in a demanding world: the snort of an email, the squeal of a text, fare alerts, breaking news, SQUIRREL! What was I saying? Oh yes, we live in a distracted world.

What does the Moment of Truth mean to your business?

We’ve all been there: close to the freeway on-ramp were several choices of the usual variety. I quickly made my decision, rolled through the drive thru, picked an item from the pictures provided, and hit the freeway again.

What are you doing in that shop?

The online shopping revolution is having a huge impact on retail shops. What new tools should the shop manager use to know how to respond?

What behaviors to focus on – Airport passenger experiences

To learn more about airport design and to investigate how to make time at an airport more enjoyable, Livingstone et al. undertook a study into passenger experience.

Observations of eating behavior

Our eating behavior has a strong connection with our weight and can thus influence the development of obesity. Obesity (having too much body fat) is a subject under discussion amongst many scholars.

Emotional responses, heart rate & more: measuring consumer behavior

As a consumer, you have to make many different choices. Which peanut butter do you want? Which potato chips are the healthy choice?