Gait and Locomotion blog posts
Gait and locomotion studies in animals uncover links between movement patterns and various neurological or motor disorders. These studies provide invaluable insights for the therapeutic development of treatments and cures for these disorders.

17 Dec
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Gait analysis at the PSDL using CatWalk
Our lab studies the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLs) or Batten disease, which are a group of progressive and genetically inherited neurodegenerative diseases that affect children and young adults.

22 Jun
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Gait recovery and other effects: treatment of cervical myelopathy
At the Dr. Michael Fehlings' lab, they are on a quest to find out what exactly causes the lower success rate of delayed surgery in cervical myelopathy.

13 May
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
How to use CatWalk XT and Incapacitance Tester in non-clinical pain research
Heta Svard from Orion Pharma studies pain and neurological disorders and resports on recent research.

14 Aug
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
How to let rats run perfectly
Letting animals walk freely in gait research. At Noldus, we strongly believe this is the way to go, so that is how our CatWalk XT system works.

16 Jul
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Behavioral effects of optogenetically induced myelination in mice
Myelination, the ‘ensheathment’ of neurons, is essential to the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. So it is not surprising that problems with myelination can lead to a number of crippling diseases.

15 Apr
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Gait research: let your animals walk freely
Researchers use different ways to analyze gait in animals. In what instances would a study benefit from a system that is based on voluntary walking?

05 Feb
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Parkinson’s & gait impairment: comparing rats and humans
Gait impairment is one of the most prominent symptoms of Parkinson's disease. For good research you need good models and good tests.

27 Nov
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
How to really challenge mice cerebellar plasticity
Jan-Willem Potters used the ErasmusLadder in his thesis research to study the role of specific mutations of plasticity in the cerebellar microcircuit of mice.

19 Sep
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Using CatWalk gait analysis to study monoarthritis in mice
Researchers are always looking for new ways to alleviate symptoms of arthritis. The CatWalk XT has been shown to be very useful in research involving arthritis in rodent models.

06 May
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Testing without stress: high-throughput phenotyping
The ability to recognize harmful situations and respond accurately is important for the survival of any animal. In order to respond to these situations the animal must be able to learn, remember, and alter its behavior.