Animal Behavior Research blog posts

Developing a high-throughput method - EthoGenomics
11 Jun animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Developing a high-throughput method - EthoGenomics

Ornamental flowers are among the main export products of The Netherlands. Thrips are one of the most important pests on ornamental flowers.
The power of zebrafish in the study on Parkinson’s Disease
22 May animal behavior research Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

The power of zebrafish in the study on Parkinson’s Disease

Zebrafish have proven to be a good model for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) research. They express several highly conserved genes that are associated with PD.
Testing without stress: high-throughput phenotyping
06 May animal behavior research Gait and Locomotion

Testing without stress: high-throughput phenotyping

The ability to recognize harmful situations and respond accurately is important for the survival of any animal. In order to respond to these situations the animal must be able to learn, remember, and alter its behavior.
Tracking zebrafish activity to study a key element in circadian rhythmicity
22 Apr animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Tracking zebrafish activity to study a key element in circadian rhythmicity

Zebrafish are a popular model of choice for many researchers, including chronobiologists. That’s because zebrafish rapidly develop their ‘inner clock’ (circadian system) – and because this system is highly light-entrainable.
Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut
16 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut

We already know some monkeys display above average intelligence. One way by which we can tell is their use of tools. Studies have shown that capuchin monkeys use boulders and logs as anvils upon which they can crush nuts.
Zebrafish with Parkinson's
28 Mar animal behavior research Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Zebrafish with Parkinson's

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of the main neurodegenerative diseases and many researchers are involved in investigating this disease and developing treatments
Connects some dots - cognitive impairment and cranial radiation
22 Mar animal behavior research Social Behavior

Connects some dots - cognitive impairment and cranial radiation

On a yearly basis, an estimated 20.000 individuals are diagnosed with primary brain tumors in the United States alone. About ten times that number of patients will receive treatment for primary or metastatic brain cancer.
Beautiful birds and UV – What we cannot see
12 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Beautiful birds and UV – What we cannot see

Don’t we all enjoy the variety and intensity of bird colors? Male birds have perhaps the most impressive color display in nature.
Zebrafish tracking to uncover subtle effects of embryonic alcohol exposure
12 Feb animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Zebrafish tracking to uncover subtle effects of embryonic alcohol exposure

Zebrafish are not the first species one might think of as being exposed to alcohol in their natural environment.
Why it is smart to test your animal in its home cage
08 Feb animal behavior research Research Methods

Why it is smart to test your animal in its home cage

Behavior of laboratory rodents is often studied in well-controlled, simple experiments, in an environment that is fundamentally different from the animal’s home cage.

Showing 301 to 310 of 347 results