
How FaceReader is validated in research

In this blog post, we'll dive deeper into the validity and different applications of FaceReader — the most robust tool for automated facial expression analysis.

Did you know about these tips and tricks in EthoVision XT?

Whether you are a seasoned user of EthoVision XT or just starting out. There is always an opportunity to learn more about the best video tracking software available.

CatWalk XT gait analysis vs treadmills

In this blog post, we will discuss how the CatWalk XT method and treadmill method for gait analysis differ from each other, and what you should consider about both methods when performing gait analysis.

Why you should use custom expressions in your facial expression analysis

Using custom expressions in facial expression analysis can unlock a deeper understanding of human behavior. How can you use custom expressions in different fields of research?

Observing effective leadership and teamwork

How do organizations, leaders, teams, and employees work together to ensure efficient improvements and effective changes? The OBCC team combined video-based behavioral observations and physiological measures to examine this.

What can you expect from Noldus at SfN 2023?

Whether you are or aren't going to Neuroscience 2023, we would love to give you a sneak preview of our latest innovations!

Why measuring behavior is awesome (+3 examples to prove it)

As ways to behave are numerous and we are a curious species, people have been measuring behavior for centuries now. So, why is measuring behavior awesome? These 3 examples prove it.

AI and deep learning: Responsible use of facial expression analysis

The European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the first-ever regulation of AI. In this blog post, we explore how to use facial expression analysis responsibly and how it can contribute to scientific research.

How maternal responses support child language development in adversity

Studies show that mothers’ responses to their children is crucial for their language development. How does this work for families facing adversity? Researchers Boulton, Levickis, and Eadle aimed to find out.

Why you shouldn’t use a black box to measure animal behavior

When studying animal behavior you should avoid using a research software tool that is a black box. What does that mean exactly? It should be easy and user-friendly, but also still flexible.