Blog posts tagged with video observation

07 Feb
human behavior research
How to make communication easier for children with severe motor impairments
A decrease in the ability to make contact with others leads to limitations in communication. A Swedish research team investigated whether eye tracking assisted therapy could help children with motor impairments communicate.

26 Jan
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
Classical music affects affiliative behaviors in bottlenose dolphins
Researchers from the University of Padova used The Observer XT to measure the behavior of dolphins when exposed to different types of enrichment.

25 Aug
human behavior research
How to observe adolescents and teachers in a classroom
Many researchers focus on classroom interaction to learn more about group dynamics, teaching behavior, and student engagement. One of the research methods used is behavioral observation.

09 Aug
human behavior research
5 tips on how to measure facial expressions
It may sound very simple, but recording video and playing it back enables more detailed analysis of facial expressions. 5 useful tips on how to measure facial expressions!

04 Apr
human behavior research
3 Examples of eye tracking lab set-ups
Can you imagine, in the 19th century the study of eye movements for instance was done by means of direct observations? Luckily, nowadays eye tracking can easily be automated.

14 Feb
human behavior research
What is simulation-based training?
Simulation-based training provides learners with an opportunity to test out different scenarios to see what works and to understand how they arrived at the right and wrong answers.

08 Feb
human behavior research
Unobtrusive observations
Would you like to learn more about how to build an AudioVisual lab? Check out this ‘how to’ guide! Read tips & tricks to learn more!

11 Jan
human behavior research
Early infant behavior development of hand preference
There are many reasons to study the development of hand preference in infants. For one thing, being left-handed can be an advantage in one-on-one sports such as tennis.

13 Dec
human behavior research
Five studies showing the power of multi-modal data in behavioral research
The advantages of using multimodal data over a single modality are that it reveals deeper insights and also if one modality fails there can be enough redundancy in the data to still make sense of it.

18 Nov
human behavior research
How to collect high quality data in an observation lab
Controlled conditions and accurate data recording are key in scientific success. A stationary observation lab provides these controlled conditions while allowing scientists to observe test participants unobtrusively.