Blog posts tagged with video observation

Playing virtual games with frames
04 Jul human behavior research Other (Human)

Playing virtual games with frames

For public displays nowadays, we are no longer limited to traditional square and flat designs. More wild and appealing forms like curves, spheres, or columns are now possible as well.
How to analyze nurse-patient consultations
03 Jun human behavior research Healthcare

How to analyze nurse-patient consultations

Efficient and effective communication is necessary in doctor-patient as well as nurse-patient consultations.
Classroom observations including facial expression analysis
01 May human behavior research Education

Classroom observations including facial expression analysis

Internet and technology usage, including computers, tablets, and mobile phones, has increased exponentially in the past few years.
Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut
16 Apr animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Observing monkey behavior – cracking the nut

We already know some monkeys display above average intelligence. One way by which we can tell is their use of tools. Studies have shown that capuchin monkeys use boulders and logs as anvils upon which they can crush nuts.
Human-robot interaction: Can you trust a robot?
18 Mar human behavior research Human Factors

Human-robot interaction: Can you trust a robot?

How do you know if someone with whom you do business is telling the truth? When buying something from a stranger, we are trying to determine if he or she can be trusted, either consciously or unconsciously.
Beautiful birds and UV – What we cannot see
12 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

Beautiful birds and UV – What we cannot see

Don’t we all enjoy the variety and intensity of bird colors? Male birds have perhaps the most impressive color display in nature.
Infant behavior experiments
29 May human behavior research Psychology

Infant behavior experiments

When a baby is born prematurely, this baby and his or her parents often experience a rough start. You can think about eating problems, high risk of infection, or even anemia.
How to know if an animal is nauseated
21 Mar animal behavior research Other (Animal)

How to know if an animal is nauseated

Nausea is a prominent factor influencing the quality of life for patients undergoing chemotherapy. That is why it is useful to study the nauseating side effects of therapies or the anti-nauseating potential of drugs.
The search for robust fear inducing stimuli in zebrafish research
24 Feb animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

The search for robust fear inducing stimuli in zebrafish research

Zebrafish behavioral research has grown by leaps and bounds, and behavioral paradigms are being developed with the aim of better understanding mechanisms that might underlie aberrant behavioral phenotypes.
Clinical interviews – analyzing verbal and non-verbal behavior
15 Feb human behavior research Healthcare

Clinical interviews – analyzing verbal and non-verbal behavior

In general, researchers choose the methods and techniques that best suit their research objectives. That’s no different when researching doctor-patient communication or any other clinical interview setting.

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