Psychology blog posts
Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Many people are fascinated by human behavior. Why do we act the way we do, and how is our behavior influenced? By measuring behavior, you can discover and understand a lot about human life, and what drives humans. Dive into developmental psychology, parent-child interaction, mental disorders research, and emotion analysis.

04 Oct
human behavior research
The importance of measuring infant behavior for early diagnosis of autism
Most efforts to detect autism before the age of two rely on parental reports rather than infant behavior.

22 Sep
human behavior research
The importance of a multi-method approach in infant behavior research
The study of infant behavior provides incredible insight into the field of psychology, developmental biology, neuroscience, and other social and life sciences.

13 Sep
human behavior research
Using observational research to capture parent-child interaction
Researchers examined whether a combination of child and parental factors, such as the child's emotional temperament and parents' controlling feeding practices, influence food fussiness.

09 Jun
human behavior research
How does communication with strangers develop?
Various factors contribute to shaping social-emotional developmental trajectories, such as familiarity of the interaction partner, the child’s age, but also individual predispositions, such as temperament.

04 Apr
human behavior research
3 Examples of eye tracking lab set-ups
Can you imagine, in the 19th century the study of eye movements for instance was done by means of direct observations? Luckily, nowadays eye tracking can easily be automated.

25 Feb
human behavior research
Designing a behavioral coding scheme to identify complex trauma
In order to contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and a better understanding of the effects of complex trauma, Ana Granados and her team proposed a new coding scheme and tested its validity.

08 Feb
human behavior research
Unobtrusive observations
Would you like to learn more about how to build an AudioVisual lab? Check out this ‘how to’ guide! Read tips & tricks to learn more!

11 Jan
human behavior research
Early infant behavior development of hand preference
There are many reasons to study the development of hand preference in infants. For one thing, being left-handed can be an advantage in one-on-one sports such as tennis.

06 Dec
human behavior research
Predicting behavior from non-verbal communication
Suppose a darts player is ready to throw a dart while showing a smile on his face. Would he hit the attempted number of points as opposed to missing the shot if he looked grumpy? Research has been done to figure this out.

29 Nov
human behavior research
Parent-child interaction – research in a lab and on-site
Early in life, children are not capable of filling out a complete questionnaire or talking to an interviewer.