
Consumers' food choices and emotions

Is there a relationship between food choice and a person’s mood? Bartkiene et al. examined the factors that influence our food choice, using facial expression analysis.

Understanding consumer buying behavior

What predicts a sale, and what causes consumers to buy from a particular brand over another? To know how and why customers make decisions, you can take a deeper look at consumer behavior.

Shopping behavior - what can we measure in a retail environment?

Shopping ambience conditions such as light, sound, and smell are thought to affect shoppers’ browsing behavior and can increase sales due to impulse buying.

7 Tips how to set up a coding scheme

The coding scheme or ethogram determines what data you collect and is, thus, an essential part of your behavioral study. Tips to set up a coding scheme (+free white paper with all 7 tips to set-up your coding scheme).

Can facial expressions and emotional reactions predict likeliness to buy?

Think about some of your favorite holiday foods – what are they? Maybe gingerbread, candy canes, or pies?

How to study consumer behavior in a kitchen

Masson and colleagues from Université Paris-Saclay, France, designed a test kitchen to investigate food storage processes. According to them, the use of video cameras was of great value for analyzing behaviors.

Measuring consumer responses to chocolate and images

Researchers all over the world are trying to find ways to measure real consumer responses and behavior.

Package testing - Emotional journey in packaging research

A product package should help consumers make a quick decision. Donata Tania Vergura and Beatrice Luceri from the University of Parma, Italy investigated different packaging designs.

Facial expression analysis in video content marketing

This study shows that emotions in company messages or advertisements could be used to build and measure brand value. This measure can thus be added to social media metrics guidelines to assess success rate.

Why you want to know if your customers are bored, and how to find out

As emotions run through everyday life, facial expression analysis is often used in consumer and behavior research. With FaceReader you can now detect affective attitudes as well.