Consumer research – what determines food satisfaction?
In a recent study, Barbara Andersen and Grethe Hyldig from the National Food Institute of Denmark zoomed in on food satisfaction from a consumer perspective.
The man in the maze: A behavioral science journey into consumer studies
As a researcher, one of my biggest thrills was being able to predict how someone was going to behave, especially without asking him or her.
Location is everything: Measuring visitor behavior
Want to know where the action is? Interested in getting real-time feedback about a conference, concert, or event hotspots? Read more about the Crowd Emotion Monitor app.
Making sense of the senses: The real cost of paying attention
We live in a demanding world: the snort of an email, the squeal of a text, fare alerts, breaking news, SQUIRREL! What was I saying? Oh yes, we live in a distracted world.
What does the Moment of Truth mean to your business?
We’ve all been there: close to the freeway on-ramp were several choices of the usual variety. I quickly made my decision, rolled through the drive thru, picked an item from the pictures provided, and hit the freeway again.
Facial expressions - reactions to bitter food vary between high and low BMI
Overweight and obese individuals are at increased risk for many diseases and health conditions. By 2050, as much as 50% of the UK population could be obese at a cost of £50 billion a year.
What are you doing in that shop?
The online shopping revolution is having a huge impact on retail shops. What new tools should the shop manager use to know how to respond?
What behaviors to focus on – Airport passenger experiences
To learn more about airport design and to investigate how to make time at an airport more enjoyable, Livingstone et al. undertook a study into passenger experience.
Observations of eating behavior
Our eating behavior has a strong connection with our weight and can thus influence the development of obesity. Obesity (having too much body fat) is a subject under discussion amongst many scholars.
The facial action coding system in infant behavior research
Non-verbal behavior is very important in analyzing interpersonal communication. Think about waiving your arms when explaining something, nodding your head, or frowning.