Behavioral Research Blog

08 Oct
animal behavior research
A to Z on optogenetics and video tracking studies
Optogenetics allow researchers to either activate or inhibit neurons in the brain. To see how this affects behavior, you need to record that behavior and synchronize it with the stimulation. Here's how.

06 Oct
human behavior research
The role of facial expression of emotion in joint activities
How does emotion expression guide interactive value learning and interactive corrective action selection? Dr. Robert Lowe investigated this and shares his findings in this guest blog post.

01 Oct
human behavior research
Discussing uncertainty during cancer genetic counseling
Getting screened preventively to find out whether a genetic predisposition increases the chance of developing cancer, causes great uncertainty. Which communication manners help to deal with this?

24 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Studying shrimp feeding behavior and why it’s important for aquaculture
Shrimp is a popular dish, and these crustaceans are a very large part of commercial aquaculture. Especially Pacific white-leg shrimp, as they grow fast and are able to adapt to a wide range of environments.

22 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Father’s genes affect their offspring’s future success
The early life environment of male bank voles can influence their offspring significantly. Both social stress and nutrient supply have an effect on the chances of survival for two generations.

20 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Identification of an aphid resistance gene in Arabidopsis
Karen Kloth used EntoLab in her research on the genetic basis of plant resistance to aphids. Genome-wide association mapping of aphid behavior on 350 natural Arabidopsis accessions led to the discovery of a new gene.

20 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Screening insecticides for efficacy or tolerance
Maarten Jongsma and colleagues use EntoLab to detect changes in insect behavior that provide a sensitive method for identifying and quantifying resistance development. They tested this approach with pyrethrins against aphids.

20 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
High-throughput screening of beneficial insects
Jessica de Bruijn used EntoLab for automated high-throughput screening of parasitic wasps in individual olfactory 2-choice tests. Various behavioral parameters were measured to compute a memory retention index.

20 Sep
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Identification of thrips resistance in Arabidopsis
Maarten Jongsma explains how he used EntoLab to facilitate insect choice assays and automate the acquisition and analysis of movement tracks. Two Arabidopsis accessions were tested for resistance to western flower thrips.

10 Sep
human behavior research
Other (Human)
How to conduct research with human participants during COVID-19
Are you going to pick up research with human participants again? Here are some useful tips to ensure safety and hygiene in a corona-proof lab.