Human Behavior Research blog posts

Nurse patient interaction - two coding schemes
02 Jul human behavior research Healthcare

Nurse patient interaction - two coding schemes

The world's population is ageing. International dementia and Alzheimer organizations state that there are an estimated 36 million people worldwide with dementia.
Infant behavior experiments
29 May human behavior research Psychology

Infant behavior experiments

When a baby is born prematurely, this baby and his or her parents often experience a rough start. You can think about eating problems, high risk of infection, or even anemia.
Parent-child interaction: Measuring the effectiveness of interactions
23 Mar human behavior research Psychology

Parent-child interaction: Measuring the effectiveness of interactions

Quality of parent-child interaction is one of the major predictors of emotional and social development of children, which makes parent-child interaction an important focus of child development research.
Clinical interviews – analyzing verbal and non-verbal behavior
15 Feb human behavior research Healthcare

Clinical interviews – analyzing verbal and non-verbal behavior

In general, researchers choose the methods and techniques that best suit their research objectives. That’s no different when researching doctor-patient communication or any other clinical interview setting.
Observing behavior - Jury deliberations, what happens behind closed doors
19 Dec human behavior research Psychology

Observing behavior - Jury deliberations, what happens behind closed doors

Researchers increasingly study what goes on behind closed doors. Thirty mock-jury deliberations were filmed and behaviors were then coded using The Observer software.
Systematic behavioral observation – two coding scales
05 Dec human behavior research Psychology

Systematic behavioral observation – two coding scales

Structured observations are one of the many ways to gather data. Observing behavior rather than asking questions about it can provide you with a multitude of valuable information.

Showing 311 to 316 of 316 results