Behavioral Research Blog

Why observe driver behavior and distraction
20 Sep human behavior research Human Factors

Why observe driver behavior and distraction

Listening to your favorite music in your car can have a very uplifting effect and can help create a pleasant atmosphere. Also, having a conversation while driving can be a very efficient way of spending your time.
How to measure infant behavior
12 Sep human behavior research Psychology

How to measure infant behavior

In infancy you can observe an explosive growth. Many researchers focus on this age group. Think about studies aimed at learning more about speech behavior, maternal sensitivity, or learning behavior in infancy.
Drunken mice get aggressive on Alzheimer’s drugs
16 Aug animal behavior research Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Drunken mice get aggressive on Alzheimer’s drugs

Will there ever be a cure for alcoholism? Well, some laboratory studies show that certain drugs might stop the cravings. But they might also cause serious side-effects such as aggressive behavior.
A story of dogs and dolls
09 Aug animal behavior research Social Behavior

A story of dogs and dolls

When finding the right dog for yourself, you probably won’t choose an aggressive one, will you? You don’t want it to attack your friends, kids, or other dogs. You could try using a temperament test, but how reliable are they?
Unraveling primate behavior, why do monkeys rub their fur?
30 Jul animal behavior research Social Behavior

Unraveling primate behavior, why do monkeys rub their fur?

Did you know that tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) rub their fur vigorously with substances such as leaves, fruit, or insects? Such substances are often insecticidal, antiseptic, or anti-inflammatory.
Secret sex and promiscuity - Mating behavior of Rhesus monkeys
30 Jul animal behavior research Social Behavior

Secret sex and promiscuity - Mating behavior of Rhesus monkeys

In Rhesus monkeys the optimal sexual strategy is different for Alpha males, other males and females. Alpha males want females to mate exclusively with them, whereas other males and females benefit from promiscuity.
Sex preference and other social aspects of zebrafish behavior
19 Jul animal behavior research Zebrafish Research

Sex preference and other social aspects of zebrafish behavior

Social behavior is a well-known topic of neuroscience research, since it is so often affected in psychiatric disorders. Think of obvious examples such as schizophrenia and autism.
Human-robot interaction in remote friendships and family relations
18 Jul human behavior research Human Factors

Human-robot interaction in remote friendships and family relations

Don’t you miss the touch of a loved-one when they are far-away? Skype and a number of other communication channels are great solutions to talk and even video chat when you are apart.
Time based relations in gait analysis
05 Jul animal behavior research Gait and Locomotion

Time based relations in gait analysis

I have written two blog posts about static gait parameters. Now it’s time to talk about all four paws, and the time based relationships between them. If you ask me, we’ve been saving the best blog post for last!
Nurse patient interaction - two coding schemes
02 Jul human behavior research Healthcare

Nurse patient interaction - two coding schemes

The world's population is ageing. International dementia and Alzheimer organizations state that there are an estimated 36 million people worldwide with dementia.

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