
Round Robin design: a pragmatic approach to dyadic interaction research

In the exploration of dyadic interactions within psychology research, the Round Robin design emerges as a practical and essential piece of methodology.

How students can learn through hands-on experience

In the field of engineering, practical experience is highly important. Students need to work with state-of-the-art equipment. However, often resources are limited. Might Virtual Reality (VR) provide a solution?

Facial mimicry and social cognition in children with autism spectrum disorder

When we want to understand each other better, we tend to copy one another's facial expressions. How does this work in children with autism spectrum disorder? In this blog post, you’ll learn more about facial mimicry in ASD.

From start to finish: decreasing abandonment when self-designing a product

Research shows that we like to design your own products, but often abandon the process before we're done. Does it help to provide feedback, and if so, what type of feedback works best?

Why measuring behavior is awesome (+3 examples to prove it)

As ways to behave are numerous and we are a curious species, people have been measuring behavior for centuries now. So, why is measuring behavior awesome? These 3 examples prove it.

Design your own product: consumer experience and abandonment behavior

Researchers Krause and Franke studied how our experiences change while designing our own products. How do these experiences influence whether we finish a product or abandon the process?

Let's work together: mother-adolescent interactions in fragile X syndrome

All parents want their children to comply with their requests - for at least some of the time! What's the best way to request something when you have an adolescent boy with fragile X syndrome?

Why use video feedback in education?

By using video and audio recordings in education, students and educators can receive and benefit from direct feedback. The more personal and detailed feedback is, the easier it is for students to relate to.

Using augmented toys to facilitate play in children with visual impairments

How can we help children with visual impairments in their development of play and social interactions? Drs. Suzanne Verver and her team examined the effects of sound-augmented toys on peer play.

Understanding cognitive delays in infants with Down syndrome

Did you know that Down syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal diseases in people? Researcher Fidler and her colleagues aim to understand more about early cognitive development in people with Down syndrome.

6 TED talks to kick off your academic year

Let's get a good warming up for the new academic year. We have compiled six interesting neuroscience TED talks, ranging from optogenetics to AI, to inspire you in the new year.

A 5-HT1A agonist and NMDA antagonist against Parkinson’s disease

Reducing side effects of L-Dopa with 5-HT1A receptor agonists can improve motor activity in a Parkinson’s disease model when combined with NMDA antagonists.

Everything you need to know about EthoVision XT

Over the last 25 years EthoVision XT has evolved from a video tracking software into an advanced, but user friendly, software platform. In this blogpost we tell you everything you need to know about EthoVision XT!

Automatic gait analysis: Cracking the code

CatWalk XT provides the opportunity to study a variety of gait parameters. But, which parameters should you use for your mouse model? Read this blog to learn more!

Why you shouldn’t use a black box to measure animal behavior

When studying animal behavior you should avoid using a research software tool that is a black box. What does that mean exactly? It should be easy and user-friendly, but also still flexible.

The impact of handling technique on rodent welfare and scientific accuracy

Proper handling technique is essential in not only ensuring welfare, but also for reliable results. Check out this blog to learn more about how to handle rodents in an experimental setting!

Breathe easy, a novel approach to monitoring respiratory activity in zebrafish

Researchers from the University of Heidelberg used DanioScope in a novel way to objectively measure breathing in zebrafish embryos and larvae.

Understanding mouse social interaction using objective measures

Measuring social interaction is an important, but due to technical limitations, often overlooked part of behavioral research. Live mouse tracker was designed to alleviate this problem.

Are fish empathic?

Ever wondered if fish can be empathetic towards each other? Find out in this blog how oxytocin plays a role in fish behavior!

Noldus top tips! Our latest must-read animal blogs

Dive into our latest collection of top behavioral research blogs! Discover fascinating studies and learn how Noldus tools can advance your research.