
The power of multimodal research in human behavior studies

By implementing multimodal research, scientists are hoping to gain a more complete and nuanced understanding of human behavior than is possible through the examination of any single modality.

How to study human behavior

Many people are fascinated by human behavior. Why do we act the way we do? How is our behavior influenced, or measured? And why is behavioral change so difficult?

How do people with Parkinson's disease express emotions?

A mask-like facial expression is an early symptom of Parkinson's disease. How can we understand the relation between changed facial expressions and disease severity? Researcher Yang and their team used FaceReader to find out.

What is behavior?

What is behavior? Behavior is a fundamental aspect of human and animal life. In scientific terms, behavior is a subject of study within the field of behavioral research, which aims to understand different behaviors.

Understanding infants’ social and moral development

At the Centre of Infant Cognition at UBC in Vancouver, researchers conduct independent studies as well as participate in ManyBabies projects to further understand the development of moral and social behaviors of infants.

How to make communication easier for children with severe motor impairments

A decrease in the ability to make contact with others leads to limitations in communication. A Swedish research team investigated whether eye tracking assisted therapy could help children with motor impairments communicate.

UX & Usability Conferences in 2023 (+5 reasons to attend a UX conference)

Conferences and events are a great way to get updated on the latest trends in your field, meet peers, or present your work. Discover some of the best usability and UX conferences in 2023 to attend.

How to deal with noncompliant toddlers

We’ve all been there: getting a toddler to do what you want is a real challenge. What should you do in this situation? Researcher Larzelere and his team studied how behavioral modeling and collaborating can help.

5 tips to help behavioral researchers comply with privacy legislation

Privacy legislation can mean extra concerns for behavioral researchers, but these tips make your life easier

How the ability to manage emotions shapes perception of risk

Can our ability to recognize and control our emotions determine how dangerous we perceive certain hazards to be and whether or not we think we are at risk?

What you need to know about the CatWalk gait analysis method

Let's take a little step back and talk about the history and technology of the CatWalk system. What was the reason of creating this gait analysis system for rats and mice? How does it work?

Using video tracking to study operant behavior in rodents

What is operant behavior? And how can we use software such as EthoVision XT to increase our understanding in the learning and memory processes involved in these studies?

(Un)social rats: the role of dopamine and the amygdala in social adversity

With optogenetics and behavioral testing, researchers found a link between infant social adversity and decreased social behavior in the circuitry of the amygdala.

Better together or happier apart? The effects of housing on stress in mice

Does housing mice on their own affect animal welfare and reduce experimental validity? How was EthoVision XT video tracking software used to automate this investigation?

The social interaction test: effortless and dependable with EthoVision XT

What is the social interaction test? This blog dives into this topic for fish and rodents. Why is social interaction important to measure, and how do we go about doing it?

5 steps to set up the perfect behavioral suite

Noldus is your partner in research, and with versatile tools such as our state-of-the-art video tracking software EthoVision XT, we can help you achieve that next crucial goal in your animal experiment(s).

True or false? 10 statements about gait research in rodents

There are many ‘facts’ going around about rodent gait research tests and systems. How well they work, drawbacks, what they can and cannot measure. In this article, we get some of the facts straight.

The circle is complete: Mites, trichomes, walking speed and EthoVision XT

In my previous life as Entomologist, I was a pioneer in video tracking with extremely small creatures. I worked with mites, which are about 0.5 mm in size. In fact, I was an overall pioneer in video tracking.

Guest blog: Having a look at operant behavior

Scientists from Idorsia Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland provide an expert view on operant behavior, and how we can improve our understanding of this complex behavior with the help of video tracking.

Summer reads: Gender differences in rodent research

Most of us are enjoying our summer break, or are about to, soon. We have rounded up some summer reads about love, heartbreak, alcohol, and drugs… for those of us that might have a hard time taking a break from science.