Advanced Interface for Analysis of Distributed Automation


Engineering relies on correct and accurate requirement documentation. If that is not good, then there will be errors in the product and in safety-critical applications that can be disastrous. The input documents are very diverse, from safety legislation to customer requirements. The solution is to create documents in controlled language. However, this process is not currently automated and so that is inefficient and error-prone. In AIDA we will solve this problem.


The role of Noldus

In AIDA, Noldus will develop an innovative system for measuring the user experience (UX) of the software being developed. It is crucial that this system is usable by the engineers, so testing, for instance,  the users understand the texts they read is crucial

More information

To find out more, you can contact us directly. If you think Noldus might be a good partner for your consortium, please see here.


The project is led by Emisfera and Noldus is the only other partner.


AIDA is funded by the project partners, by the MANUNET program from the EU and the provinces of Gelderland and Piedmont. 

