research project

Coach Assist

In this project, three innovative SMEs come together to create a unique solution for the professional sports market.  Using beyond state-of-the-art techniques for sensing and tracking of athlete's position, movement and physiology, combined with new sensor fusion and analysis software, and with our development guided by direct customer inputs using Lean and Agile methodology, we will bring a ground-breaking solution onto the market which will give professional sports coaches far greater actionable insights into the performance and quality of their teams than anything that is currently available.

Woman group running

More information

To find out more, or if you think Noldus might be a good partner for your consortium, you can contact us directly.

The role of Noldus

Noldus will develop new technologies for tracking, data integration & synchronization and sensor fusion.



This project is funded by the partners and by the Dutch government under its MIT scheme, which is designed to stimulate innovation in small and medium companies.

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