research project


VetBioNet is a European project funded under a call from Horizon 2020 for funding large research infrastructures. It is a large project with a €10 million budget. The project will form a network of facilities researching animal diseases (including diseases which can spread to humans) in secure facilities.  It will develop new technologies for this which go considerably beyond the current state of the art as well as activities such as standardization of protocols and best practices as well as connecting with similar institutes outside Europe. In this project, Noldus will develop new tools for remote monitoring of the animals' health and welfare.

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This is a large project with 30 partners. It is led by the French research institute INRA, with European partners from the Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, and Italy as well as partners from a number of other countries (Kenya, USA, Australia and Canada). There is a healthy balance of academics and industry. For the full list, see here.

VetBioNet flowdiagram


This project is funded by the INFRAIA-2016-1 call of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union, project number 731014.

Horizon 2020