Efficient Lab Animal moNitoring


Conventional home cages used in rodent research are small and only allow the animals to display a limited range of their natural behaviors. This is bad for the animals' welfare and also poor science. In this project, we will develop a new, larger home cage in which rats can freely move about. We will also develop new sensor technology, so the animals can be monitored 24/7, giving valuable scientific data and better and cheaper welfare monitoring.


The role of Noldus

Noldus will develop a number of monitoring technologies for enhanced insights into the welfare and behavior of the animals living in the cages.

More information

To find out more, you can contact us directly. If you think Noldus might be a good partner for your consortium, please see here.


The project is led by Noldus. Radboud University Medical Centre, Uno and Brain Builders are the other partners.


This project is funded by the European Fund For Regional Development and the province of Gelderland, as well as by the partners.