neurAl intERface measures mental sTates


It is important to gain insights into the mental states of operators in control rooms and other complex systems. Cognitive load and alertness influence performance and can lead to human errors, which can have serious consequences. Warning lights illuminate if there is a mechanical error, but not if one of the operators is not functioning properly. Likewise, in educational settings, measuring the mental states of students can provide the insights needed to improve online learning. 

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The role of Noldus

Noldus will focus on the educational use case, and develop its integration and synchronization platform, Noldus Hub, for that goal, together with the other partners. 

More information

To find out more, you can contact us directly. If you think Noldus might be a good partner for your consortium, please see here.


The project is led by Thales and the other partners are Noldus, Artinis, ANT International and the University of Twente. Tennet are an associate partner.


ALERT is a project from the European Fund for Regional Development, which is funded by the European Union and the regional governments of the East of the Netherlands..

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