Multimodal Behavior Observation in Real-Time Simulation Environments


Human error is responsible for most shipping accidents, and that is often caused by poor design, fatigue and lack of training. Large container ships weigh one to two hundred thousand tonnes, are up to 0.4 km long, and frequently contain dangerous chemicals. Safety is very critical in this industry. To illustrate that point – a TEU container ship recently blocked the Suez Canal for 6 days, which led to at least 369 ships queuing to pass through the canal, and the value of the goods delayed each hour an estimated US$400 million. Local authorities said that “technical or human error” was the main reason for the blockade.

MORSE logo

The role of Noldus

Noldus will build software to synchronize, integrate and analyze the various signals developed by the other partners and used in teh human factors experiments in this project. 

More information

To find out more, you can contact us directly. If you think Noldus might be a good partner for your consortium, please see here



Noldus is the leader of this project. The other partners are VicarVision and Noterik. In addition, MARIN joins the project in the role of a launching customer and validator. For more information about the cooperation between MARIN and Noldus, see here.


MARIN customer story thumbail


This project is funded by the Dutch regional MIT program, which stimulates innovation in SMEs.