ICIS 2024

International congress of Infant Studies 2024

Meet us at ICIS 2024 in Glasgow, Scotland! Don’t miss out on all that we have to offer. Take a look below to see some of the ways we can help you with your research!


Capture infants’ behavior with Viso

Viso is our easy-to-use solution for creating video and audio recordings. Recordings are immediately available for playback and evaluation, and can be made from multiple high-end cameras. This allows you to view your participants from different angles and get a good view of your participants and their surroundings. 

Let us help you gain insights into the behaviors of infants, for example during interactions with their parents. 

Discover the convenience Viso provides!

Father and son interaction Viso three images

Baby FaceReader animation

Emotion analysis with Baby FaceReader

Analyze the faces of babies and young children automatically with Baby FaceReader! Since young infants are unable to provide verbal feedback, their facial expressions can provide extra insights that help us to understand their emotional reactions. Baby FaceReader captures a positive or negative valence, a set of Action Units and head orientation.

Baby FaceReader is available as stand-alone product or in combination with the standard FaceReader.


Observation Made Simple

A very important part of studying infant behavior is performing observations. What better way to tell how infants behave than to observe them? 

With The Observer XT, you can collect, analyze, and present your data with efficiency, detail, and accuracy. Your options for coding behavior are limitless, and you can also easily integrate external data such as facial expressions, and eye tracking data.

mother and children interacting drawing

Portable observation lab psychology

Lab and Hardware Solutions

Want to expand the scope of your research project? Learn about how our lab solutions can allow you to observe and record parent-infant interaction unobtrusively either in a stationary lab setting or even on-site with a portable lab

Our labs come fully integrated with software such as Viso, FaceReader, and The Observer XT. Enjoy the ease-of-use and flexibility of integrating your data seamlessly!


Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information! Visit our booth for a demo, video, or a live chat, and learn more about our state-of-the-art tools for your research.


8th July to 11th July 2024
Glasgow, Scotland
